




企業面臨各類型資安問題,例如個資外洩、勒索軟體攻擊、DDoS攻擊、網路攝影機監控畫面外洩、釣魚電子郵件等,建議企業應建立資安風險評估及資安防護功能,並制定完善的資安政策及資安事件通報應變標準作業,以降低企業可能遭受之資安威脅。 本活動目的即在對企業宣導資安意識,分享企業資安解決方案,建立企業對TWCERT/CC信任度,以利企業在面臨資安事件時,可透過TWCERT/CC進行資安事件通報,加速企業解決資安問題,避免事件擴大影響範圍,降低資安事件發生的衝擊,以達到資安聯防之目的。


活動地點:台大醫院國際會議中心 201 會議室




行政院 資通安全處 處長

◆ 國家發展委員會 處長
◆ 行政院研究發展考核委員會 分析師、科長
◆ 高級分析師、副處長
◆ 僑務委員會 科長
◆ 交通部中央氣象局技士,技正

Ryan Engen 安瑞恩

美國在台協會 台北辦事處 經濟組官員

專精於兩岸分析,高科技和新興產業,交通和出口管制Specialty:Cross-Strait Economic Relations,Hi-tech and emerging industries,Transportation,Export Controls 安瑞恩先生主要負責分析兩岸經濟關係,台灣高科技和交通產業。安氏於2011年加入美國國務院。安氏的駐外經驗包括廣州,比利時的布魯塞爾專門負責歐元區危機報告。安氏在從事外交事務之前,安氏曾在美國達拉斯任職國際經濟學教授,在日內瓦的世界貿易組織擔任韓國代表團的經濟學者,也曾在聯合國擔任顧問一職協助建議中歐國家美國在台協會台北辦事處經濟組官員如何在加入歐盟前發展當地不動產市場。安氏也曾在加州洛杉磯的不動產投資銀行工作四年。安氏擁有於日內瓦國際研究所的國際經濟學博士和加州克萊蒙特麥肯納學院的經濟學學士學位。安氏會說中文和法文。
Ryan Engen(安瑞恩)has primary responsibility for analysis of Taiwan's economic relations with mainland China, as well as Taiwan's high-tech and transportation industries. Mr. Engen joined the Department of State in 2011. He has previously served in Guangzhou and in Brussels, where he was responsible for reporting on the Eurozone Crisis. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Mr. Engen worked as a Professor of International Economics in Dallas, as an Economist for the South Korean Mission to the WTO in Geneva, and as a Consultant for the United Nations, helping advise Central European countries how to develop their real estate markets prior to joining the European Union. He likewise worked for four years in real estate investment banking in Los Angeles. Mr. Engen has a Ph.D. in International Economics from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Claremont McKenna College. He speaks Mandarin and French.

Geoffroy Thonon


Title:“Cybersecuritly Incidents-How did we come to this !?” Summary:Cyber security incidents never happen unless it was reported. No one would ever know otherwise. But creating the incident report is just the first, in a series of steps, in “a journey of a thousand miles”. All along that journey strangers interact in the hope that somewhere, somehow, someone will be able to help and do something. Getting to know the way things are getting done can only help in improve the notification process and speed its content to the right audience. Or does it? Bio:With twenty(20)years in IT and fifteen(15)of them in IT security, Geoff has returned back to Australia to work for AusCERT, after founding and working in an economy-wide computer emergency response teams. Geoff, working in computer emergency response teams, has had the opportunity to create, use and adjust, incident notification processes and well as share experience whilst facilitating training for CERT / CSIRTS operations. Also, keeping touch with his IT audit background, Geoff supports a chapter o ISACA as Membership Director and as a chapter charter member.

林孜穗 Serena Lin

趨勢科技 進階威脅防禦 研究核心技術 研發部協理

Serena負責帶領趨勢科技核心技術部門進階威脅防護研究,團隊研究範圍包含:APT, Cyber Crime及loT,並在2014成立趨勢科技TM-CSRIT,加入國際資安應變組織FIRST會員,目前也負責CERT / CSIRT相關活動及國際資安交流。


臺灣網路資訊中心 TWNIC 副執行長

◆ 資訊策進工業會資安科技研究所副所長
◆ 翱特有限公司亞太區技術長
◆ 資訊策進工業會資安科技研究所資深技術總監
◆ 雅虎資訊有限公司台灣CTO, 亞洲區系統工程部副總經理
◆ 國家科學委員會企劃考核處組長
◆ 國家高速電腦與網路中心研究員兼組長
◆ 美國IBM公司資深系統顧問
◆ 美國鄧白氏股份有限公司系統顧問
◆ 美國道瓊公司資深系統分析
◆ 美國CBS哥倫比亞廣播公司系統分析設計
◆ 美國CSC電腦科學公司資訊系統分析
◆ 美國M&T銀行集團資訊系統設計
◆ 美國IBM作業系統工程設計

翁浩正 Allen Own

HITCON ZeroDay 總召集人

台灣駭客協會常務理事。具備多年駭客技術研究及資安輔導經驗,協助政府及企業化解防禦盲點,消除與攻擊方的資訊不對稱。曾任學術及政府單位專任講師及顧問,並熱衷於社群經營及分享,培育資安人才。專長於紅隊演練(Red Team)、滲透測試、企業資安風險盤點。

邱銘彰 Jeremy Chiu

奧義智慧科技 創辦人

畢業於中央大學與大同資工所,目前身分為新創公司創辦人,也是台灣駭客協會顧問,超過15年的資安技術研究專家。常在國內外重要駭客大會發表研究,從台灣駭客年奧義智慧科技創辦人會HITCON、THOME到美國駭客大會Black Hat,擅長透過詼諧生動的演講,傳授資安知識。他同時也是台灣資安界著名的創業者,從2005年開始連續兩次創業都幸運的被國外企業直接併購,2011年與吳明蔚(Benson)共同創立艾斯酷博(Xecure lab),是台灣第一家專門研發APT防禦產品的新創公司,於2014年由美國NASDAQ的以色列資安公司所併購。目前新創辦-奧義智慧科技,專注在人工智慧研究與資安科技的結合領域上。他專注資安科技研究多年,以開發自動化分析系統,駭客活動分析,惡意程式分析,機械學習演算法為主要研究範疇。並曾在國際知名研討會發表過多項專業的資安技術研究:Backha, DEFCON, SyScan, HITCON, FIRST, AVTokyo, HTICA與OWASP Asia。


IBM security 資安專家

Chenta lee is the chief architect of threat intelligence IBM security orchestration in the CTO office in IBM Security. One of his primary responsibilities is the collaboration with Quad9. He participated in the birth of Quad9, and design the software to process billions of DNS records from Qaud9 in real-time。He also led the productization of DNS analytics, which includes DGA, squatting, tunneling, domain clustering, and other advanced analytics. He is currently leading IBM Security on creating a next-generation threat intelligence platform consolidating various security capabilities. Besides product development and strategic planning, he also created partnerships with other big players in security including ISP, telecom, and banks, to create the most robust security ecosystem to fight cybercrime. Chenta owns the record of the youngest Master Inventor in Taiwan, and he owns more than 35 patents related to cybersecurity。






講者:行政院資通安全處 簡宏偉 / 處長



講者:趨勢科技 方家慶 / 研究員



講者:HITCON ZeroDay 翁浩正 / 總召
