國家通訊傳播委員會 委員
◆ 美國貝爾通訊研究室(Bell Communications Research Inc.)研究員(Member of Technical Staff)
◆ 行政院科技會報科技計畫首席評議專家
◆ 國立臺灣大學計算機及資訊網路中心主任
◆ 國立臺灣大學資訊管理系系主任兼所長
◆ 科技部第二期能源國家型科技計畫能源主軸中心共同召集人
◆ 科技部中央政府科技發展計畫審議作業資通訊建設群組委員
◆ 國家通訊傳播委員會電信事業普及服務基金管理委員會委員
◆ 教育部臺灣學術網路北區資訊安全維運中心主持人
◆ 教育部臺灣學術網路管理委員會委員
◆ 考試院考選部高等暨普通考試典試委員
◆ 臺北市市政顧問
◆ 臺北市悠遊卡股份有限公司董事
◆ 財團法人資訊工業策進會董事
◆ 中央銀行資訊業務推動委員會委員
◆ 美國加州大學洛杉機分校Computer Science Department 博士
◆ 美國加州大學洛杉機分校Computer Science Department 碩士
◆ 國立臺灣大學資訊工程學系畢業
◆ 網際網路與行動通訊
◆ 資訊安全
◆ 惡意程式分析與鑑識br>
台灣網路資訊中心 董事長
◆ 台灣網路資訊中心董事執行長
◆ 亞太網路資訊中心(APNIC)董事
◆ ICANN 根域中文標識生成委員會副主席
◆ 國際發展合作基金會諮詢委員
◆ 通訊傳播委員會電信事業普及服務基金管理委員會委員
法務部調查局資安工作站 主任
1990 年進入法務部調查局工作, 歷任調查站秘書、副主任、調查處犯罪防制科長等職務,嫻熟案件調查偵辦等業務。
2019 年升任調查局資通安全處簡任督察督導電腦犯罪科及數位鑑識科業務, 並因應假訊氾濫, 於2019 年8月擔任假訊息防制中心主任,積極維護我國網路輿論之中立性及真實性。而後因應資安事件頻傳, 國內資安環境險峻, 調查局成立資安工作站,擔任首任資安工作站主任, 率領同任偵辦電腦犯罪、惡意中繼站查處及影響國安社安假訊息案件之追查, 近來為因應跨國際電腦犯罪, 更積極推廣與民間企業之合作以及國際司法單位互助, 迄今資安工作站已偵破中油受駭案,Necurs 僵屍網路等多起重大資安事件, 為強化及維護網路國境安全貢獻心力。
AIT 美國在臺協會 Economic Section Chief
安恬(Dannielle Andrews)於2019 年8 月就任美國在台協會經濟組組長。來台之前,安恬女士曾擔任美國國務院法律事務局區域全球功能事務辦公室代理副助卿。她於2017 年6 月以優異成績畢業於美國國防大學,取得國家戰爭學院國家安全戰略碩士學位,以及資訊網路空間學院網路安全證書。
安恬女士於2002 年加入國務院,並曾任職於美國駐瀋陽總領事館、美國駐巴西巴西利亞大使館,以及美國駐迦納阿克拉大使館。她也曾先後於美國國務院擔任中國暨蒙古事務辦公室經濟組組長,核能風險降低中心資深觀察官,以及經濟暨商業事務局助理。在加入國務院之前,安恬女士曾於加州總體經濟研究公司擔任研究員及客戶關係主管;她也在巴西、中國和迦納積極參與志工活動。安恬女士先後取得維吉尼亞州威廉斯堡威廉與瑪麗學院學士學位,以及德州大學奧斯汀分校碩士學位。她通曉葡萄牙語、中文、俄語及西班牙語。
Dannielle Andrews has assumed duties as the Economic Section Chief at the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) in August, 2019. Prior to her arrival in Taiwan, Ms. Andrews served as Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Regional, Global, and Functional Affairs in the Department of State’s Bureau of Legislative Affairs.
She graduated with honors in June 2017 with a Master of Science in National Security Strategy from the National War College and a certification in CyberSecurity from the College of Information and Cyber Space at the National Defense University. Ms. Andrews joined the State Department in 2002, and served in U.S. Consulate Shenyang, China; U.S. Embassy Brasilia, Brazil; and U.S. Embassy Accra, Ghana. At the Department of State in Washington, D.C., she served as Economic Chief in the Office of Chinese and Mongolian Affairs, as Senior Watch Officer in the Nuclear Risk Reduction Center, and in the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs as staff assistant. Prior to joining the State Department, Ms. Andrews was a researcher and client relations officer for macroeconomic research firms in California. Dannielle has also worked extensively as a volunteer in Brazil, China, and Ghana. She received her undergraduate degree from the College of William and Mary, in Williamsburg, Virginia, and a graduate degree from the University of Texas, in Austin, Texas. Her spoken foreign languages include Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish.
Senior Officer for Innovation, Technology & Science,Netherlands Innovation Network,Netherlands Office Taipei
◆ MSc. Environmental Engineering, Imperil College London, UK
◆ MSc. Environmental Engineering, University of London, UK
◆ BEng Civil Engineering, City University London, UK
Chih-Kai Yang joined the Netherlands Innovation Network in 2016 as the Senior Officer for Innovation, Technology & Science at the Netherlands Office Taipei. The Netherlands Innovation Network is part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate Change in the Netherlands and stimulates international cooperation between companies, knowledge institutes and public authorities in the field of innovation, technology and science. The Network’s activities support the implementation of government of the Netherlands’ international knowledge and innovation agenda The Network also addresses national and global challenges and further develop key enabling technologies through international cooperation.
In 2018, Chih Kai began working on the topic of Cybersecurity and since have organized several activities, including conferences and incoming / outgoing missions to create opportunities for bilateral engagements. These efforts have contributed to the success of several cybersecurity initiatives between Taiwan and the Netherlands, including implementation of the bilateral cybersecurity soft-landing program (Global EPIC), research collaborations, proof-of-concept projects and government-togovernment dialogue. With these efforts, Cybersecurity is now one of the top priority areas for collaboration between Taiwan and the Netherlands.
Head of Israel Economic & Trade
Mission in Taipei
As of August 2018, Tslil is serving as the Head of Israeli Economic & Trade Mission in Taipei, Taiwan. Prior to that, Tslil served as the Aerospace and Advanced Industries Director at the Foreign Investment and Industrial Cooperation Authority ("Invest in Israel") in the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry, upon graduating the Ministry's Cadets course. Invest in Israel is an integrative body in the Israeli Government dealing with the promotion of foreign investment and management of offset in Israel. Tslil is a former Strategic Consultant at one of Israel's leading PR and Strategy firms and before joining the Ministry, he served as the VP Product at VIGO, a social big- data mining & analysis company, where he developed machine learning tools for media crisis prediction and other unique tools for Israel's leading companies and organizations in the private and public sector. Tslil earned his BA of Political Science and Communication from Tel-Aviv University and his MBA from Bar-llan University. He is a Major (Res.) in the IDF Commando Brigade.
澳洲駐台辦事處 Deputy Director
Stasia Tan is Deputy Director of the Australian Office Taipei. She completed undergraduate studies at the University of New South Wales and a Masters of International Affairs at the Australian National University.
永豐金融控股股份有限公司 資安長
中央警察大學公共安全系電子通訊組、美國阿拉巴馬州立大學電腦研究所畢業;曾任職於台灣執法部門25年,負責資訊系統規劃與資訊安全防護並從事網路犯罪偵查具12 年以上經驗,2012年離開公職轉往金融機構擔任資訊與資安相關工作8年,現任職於永豐金控資安長。
奧義智慧科技 創辦人
畢業於中央大學與大同資工所,目前身分為新創公司創辦人,也是台灣駭客協會顧問,超過15年的資安技術研究專家。常在國內外重要駭客大會發表研究,從台灣駭客年奧義智慧科技創辦人會HITCON、THOME到美國駭客大會Black Hat,擅長透過詼諧生動的演講,傳授資安知識。他同時也是台灣資安界著名的創業者,從2005年開始連續兩次創業都幸運的被國外企業直接併購,2011年與吳明蔚(Benson)共同創立艾斯酷博(Xecure lab),是台灣第一家專門研發APT防禦產品的新創公司,於2014年由美國NASDAQ的以色列資安公司所併購。目前新創辦-奧義智慧科技,專注在人工智慧研究與資安科技的結合領域上。他專注資安科技研究多年,以開發自動化分析系統,駭客活動分析,惡意程式分析,機械學習演算法為主要研究範疇。並曾在國際知名研討會發表過多項專業的資安技術研究:Backha, DEFCON, SyScan, HITCON, FIRST, AVTokyo, HTICA與OWASP Asia。
國家資通安全會報技術服務中心 主任
◆ 行政院研究發展考核委員會 專員、高級分析師
◆ 國家發展委員會 高級分析師
◆ 科技部 高級分析師
◆ 行政院資通安全辦公室 副主任
◆ 行政院資通安全處 高級分析師
合勤科技Zyxel 資安長
游政卿 (Edward Yu) 自詡為熱情的資安傳教士。 目前擔任合勤投控資安長一職,負責制定資訊安全策略與方針、持續爭取管理階層的理解與支持、建立資訊安全管理制度與流程、持續監控資訊安全的有效性來確保資訊安全治理永續運作。 先前曾擔任合勤投控資訊長(CIO) 一職,在業界擁有豐富的資訊管理經驗,曾於旺宏電子、虹光精密、揚明光學以及工研院電通所等機構服務。
威聯通科技QNAP 技術長
畢業於台大電機系及台大資工所,是嵌入式系統及無線通訊的專家。 早期曾經在趨勢科技擔任台灣區研發協理,主導過許多網際網路資安產品的開發。後來轉往行動通訊產業開發多款手機、無線路由器和各種IoT 設備,主要客戶包含Nokia 和AT&T 等國際大廠。現任QNAP 技術長,帶領系統架構工程師團隊開發最先進的通訊、儲存、資安及影像處理等技術,不斷的提昇QNAP 的產品以達到世界頂尖的水準。
群暉科技Synology 經理
Ken Lee is currently a manager and product securityofficer at Synology, managing the Security BountyProgram, Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT), and Computer Security Incident ResponseTeam (CSIRT) to respond to all security incidents within the company.