數位發展部韌性建設司 司長
◆ 國家通訊傳播委員會基礎設施與資通安全處處長
◆ 國家通訊傳播委員會基礎設施與資通安全處副處長
◆ 國家通訊傳播委員會主任委員室簡任技正
◆ 通訊傳播領域政策規劃及執行
AIT Economic Officer
Patrick Boland is the new digital economy officer in the Economic Section at AIT. A recent graduate of AIT's Chinese Language and Area Studies School, Pat previously served in the Office of Taiwan Coordination at the State Department and completed the advanced economics course and a practicum at General Electric's office in Washington, DC. In prior overseas assignments, Pat managed governance and stabilization assistance programs on the Syria Transition Assistance Response Team (START) at U.S. Consulate General Istanbul; worked as a consular officer at U.S. Consulate General Shanghai; and was a political officer at U.S. Embassy Cairo, where he supported civil society assistance programs during the Arab Spring. A native of Falls Church, VA, Pat is a graduate of the University of Virginia.
財團法人台灣網路資訊中心 董事長
◆ 台灣網路資訊中心董事長
◆ 臺大智慧聯網中心(NTU-IoX Center) SIG-Learning 主席
◆ 國立交通大學應用數學系 教授
◆ 資通安全專題研究中心 執行長
◆ 中央研究院資訊科技創新研究中心 研究員
◆ 通訊傳播委員會電信普及服務基金管理委員會 委員
◆ 行政院科技會報辦公室 副執行秘書
◆ 國立中正大學資訊工程系 助理教授
◆ 國立台灣科技大學資訊工程學系 助理教授
◆ 台灣科技大學資訊工程學系 副教授
◆ 台灣科技大學資訊工程學系 特聘教授
◆ 國立交通大學理學院副院長
台灣網路資訊中心 董事暨執行長
◆ 台灣網路資訊中心董事暨執行長
◆ 亞太網路資訊中心(APNIC)董事
◆ ICANN 根域中文標識生成委員會副主席
◆ 國際發展合作基金會諮詢委員
◆ 通訊傳播委員會電信事業普及服務基金管理委員會委員
◆ 東海大學資訊管理學系兼任助理教授
◆ 行政院資通安全稽核委員
◆ 亞洲(.asia Registry)註冊管理局諮詢委員
◆ 亞太網路治理論壇(APrIGF)委員
◆ 台灣網際網路協會TWIA監事
◆ IETF RFC3743網際網路技術規範作者
◆ 台灣網路資訊中心董事長暨執行長
◆ 台灣網路資訊中心TWNIC董事
◆ 美國PIR (.org Registry)註冊管理局董事
◆ ICANN新頂級域名New gTLD審查委員會委員
◆ ICANN 全球IP位址委員會副主席暨亞太區代表
◆ 行政院研考會政府組織與資訊改造委員會委員
◆ 行政院研考會電子化政府委員會委員
◆ 達創股份有限公司董事
Lead Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst
Kellyn Wagner Ramsdell is a Lead Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst at MITRE where she works on a variety of projects supporting and advancing CTI, including supporting the Center for Threat-Informed Defense. She began her career at the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center (ACTIC) and the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC) where she produced CTI for critical infrastructure providers and supported criminal investigations for over 100 law enforcement agencies. In that role, she also coordinated a national network of cyber analysts in the United States. Kellyn has a Masters in Security and Intelligence Studies and a Bachelors in Global Security and Intelligence Studies, Security Operations Management track from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott.
Section Chief for JCDC International
Patricia A. Soler, Ph.D. is the Section Chief for JCDC International in the Cybersecurity Division of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. She is responsible for the operational information exchange between the USCERT and its international CERT counterparts. Before joining CISA, Dr. Soler was the IT Governance Director for the Office of Public and Indian Housing in the Department of Housing and Urban Development. She was also responsible for the modernization of various IT systems used to disperse funding to public housing authorities and tribally designated housing entities. This funding is used to house some of the nation's most vulnerable populations.
Threat Intelligence Manager
Benjamin Koehl is a Threat Intelligence Manager with the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) overseeing a global team of analysts, reverse engineers, and developers tracking sophisticated threat actors. Prior to joining Microsoft, he supported the United States government in roles involving Incident Response, Digital Forensics, and countering nation state cyber actors.
Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute - CERT
Senior Cybersecurity Operations Researcher
Christopher began his professional career following the completion of his Bachelor of Science degree in Information Science and Technology from the University of Penn State. In the years that followed, he worked in roles for application performance and crisis management, incident response, data loss prevention, and vulnerability management. With a focus on security, Christopher obtained his Master of Science degree in Information Security and Assurance from Robert Morris University in 2016. In 2018 he joined the CERT division of the SEI to build high fidelity exercises for the United States Department of Defense. The following year he joined the Monitoring and Response directorate as a Cybersecurity Operations Researcher and assist customers with cyber security capacity building and security operations assessment. The culmination of 12 years of industry experience before joining CERT has allowed him to help build knowledge and skillsets of infrastructure, applications, and security to serve his customers for any situation.
MyCERT Specialist of Cyber Security Responsive Services Division
Sharifah Roziah currently works as a Specialist for the Malaysia Computer Emergency and Response Team (MyCERT) under CyberSecurity Malaysia, an agency under the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia, Malaysia. Besides being a Specialist, Sharifah is tasked as a Manager to ensure computer security incidents reported to MyCERT are responded to promptly and efficiently. Sharifah has been involved in computer security and cyber security for over 20 years, with interest and focuses on Computer Security Incident Response and Cyber Threat Intelligence. Sharifah has been handling and resolving computer security incidents reported to MyCERT from the Malaysia constituency for the past 20 years. She has also conducted many talks, presentations, and training at local and international in the field of cyber security, particularly in Incident Response and Cyber Threat Intelligence. Apart from that, Roziah has also produced various Security Advisories and Alerts on the latest vulnerabilities and cyber threats. Sharifah has also written articles and papers published in Journals and Conference Proceedings.
奧義智慧科技 創辦人
奧義智慧科技共同創辦人,畢業於中央大學與大同資工所,同時也是台灣駭客協會的顧問,研究資安技術超過 15 年。邱銘彰是台灣資安界著名的創業家,2011 年時與吳明蔚 (Benson) 共同創立台灣第一家專門研發 APT 防禦產品的新創公司,在 2014 年受到美國 NASDAQ 的以色列資安公司青睞及併購;2017 年創辦奧義智慧科技,專注在人工智慧研究與資安科技的結合。他以開發自動化分析系統、駭客活動分析、惡意程式分析、機械學習演算法為主要研究範疇,曾登上多個國際知名的研討會舞台,如 Blackhat、DEFCON、SyScan、HITCON、FIRST、AVTokyo、HTICA 與 OWASP Asia 等,發表其專業的資安技術研究。
法務部調查局 資安工作站主任
國立陽明交通大學資訊工程學系 講座教授
◆ 陽明交通大學資訊工程系 講座教授
◆ Editor-in-Chief (主編), IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST); 並長期擔任多個IEEE期刊與雜誌之編輯
◆ 傑出研究獎,科技部
◆ Chair, Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC), IEEE Communications Society
◆ 共同創辦人, 新創公司O’Prueba Inc. (銓隼科技)
◆ 副院長, 國家實驗研究院
◆ 李國鼎穿石獎, 中華民國資訊學會
◆ IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer, (疫情前每年十場以上國外演講)
◆ Research Associate, Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
◆ 單篇論文被引用次數超1000次,並被標準化至IEEE 802.11s, Bluetooth, WiMAX, and 3GPP
◆ IEEE Fellow, class of 2013
高科技資安聯盟 召集人暨合勤投控控股科技
游政卿 (Edward Yu) 自詡為熱情的資安傳教士。
先前曾擔任合勤投控資訊長(CIO) 一職,在業界擁有豐富的資訊管理經驗,曾於旺宏電子、虹光精密、揚明光學以及工研院電通所等機構服務。
鴻海研究院 執行長
鴻海研究院執行長 CEO,Hon Hai Research Institute
◆ 台灣人工智慧科技基金會董事長 Chairman, Artificial Intelligence Foundation
◆ 台北市政府/資訊局局長 Chief Information Officer, Department of Information Technology, Taipei City Government
◆ 富邦金控創新科技處/處長 Director, Innovation and Technology Office, Fubon Financial Holding
◆ 台北富邦銀行/數位長 Chief Digital Officer, Taipei Fubon Bank
◆ 逢甲大學/資訊工程學系教授 Professor, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University
台灣資安主管聯盟 副會長暨台達電子 資訊長
20多年在資訊系統相關領域工作經驗 , 主要有: 台達電子 資訊暨資安長 , 台灣資安主管聯盟 聯盟副會長 , IBM 架構師暨研發中心主管 ... 等職務。
講者:美國CISA / Patricia A. Soler, Ph.D / Section Chief for JCDC International
講者:Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute - CERT / Christopher Rodman / Senior Cybersecurity Operations Researcher
講者:MyCERT / Sharifah Roziah Mohd Kassim / Specialist of Cyber Security Responsive Services Division
講者:TWNIC / Kenny Huang / CEO & Board Director
講者:奧義智慧科技 / 邱銘彰 / 創辦人
講者: 法務部調查局 / 鄭健行 / 資安工作站主任