感謝國內外講師、貴賓、企業代表以及線上與會者,參與TWCERT 2023台灣資安通報應變年會,本次年會圓滿落幕,讓我們相約明年再會。



  • 活動名稱:TWCERT 2023 台灣資安通報應變年會
  • 活動主題:韌性資安 永續台灣
  • 指導單位:數位發展部
  • 主辦單位:財團法人台灣網路資訊中心、台灣電腦網路危機處理暨協調中心
  • 協辦單位:國家資通安全研究院
  • 活動日期:112年11月14日(星期二)上午09時00分至16時00分
  • 線上會議:線上會議(使用平台:Webex)
  • 參加對象:國內各大企業、中小企業經營者、製造業者、高科技產業、資安領域相關業者、CERT/CSIRT組織、ISAC組織、SOC組織與對資安主題有興趣之單位。

Traffic Light Protocol (TLP)




黃勝雄 Kenny Huang

台灣網路資訊中心 董事長暨執行長
  • ◆ 國立政治大學資訊管理研究所博士 Ph.D.
  • ◆ 倫敦理工學院資訊科技研究所碩士 MSc
  • ◆ 淡江大學化學工程系學士 BEng
  • ◆ 台灣網路資訊中心董事長暨執行長
  • ◆ 亞太網路資訊中心(APNIC)理事會主席
  • ◆ ICANN 根域中文標識規範委員會共同主席
  • ◆ 行政院關鍵基礎設施防護推動專案小組委員
  • ◆ 行政院智慧國家推動小組民間諮詢委員會委員
  • ◆ 行政院資通安全稽核委員
  • ◆ 行政院國發基金投資評估審議委員會委員
  • ◆ 高檢署電腦犯罪防制中心諮詢委員
  • ◆ 國科會科技政策諮詢專家室專家
  • ◆ 國科會科技發展計畫審議委員
  • ◆ 國際發展合作基金會諮詢委員
  • ◆ 數位部電信事業普及服務基金管理委員會委員
  • ◆ 國立陽明交通大學科法學院兼任助理教授
  • ◆ 金管會金融科技創新實驗申請案審議委員
  • ◆ 亞洲(.asia Registry)註冊管理局諮詢委員
  • ◆ IETF RFC3743網際網路技術規範作者
  • ◆ 台灣網路資訊中心董事長暨執行長
  • ◆ 台灣網路資訊中心TWNIC董事
  • ◆ 美國PIR (.org Registry)註冊管理局董事
  • ◆ ICANN新頂級域名New gTLD審查委員會委員
  • ◆ ICANN 全球IP位址委員會副主席暨亞太區代表
  • ◆ 通訊傳播委員會電信事業普及服務基金管理委員會委員
  • ◆ 東海大學資訊管理學系兼任助理教授
  • ◆ 亞太網路治理論壇(APrIGF)委員
  • ◆ 台灣網際網路協會TWIA監事
  • ◆ 行政院研考會政府組織與資訊改造委員會委員
  • ◆ 行政院研考會電子化政府委員會委員
  • ◆ 達創股份有限公司董事

Marcus Bartley Johns

Senior Director of Asia GOvernment Affairs, Microsoft
  • Marcus is Senior Director, Asia for Government and Regulatory Affairs.
    He works with Microsoft’s teams and the company’s stakeholders across the region to advance public policy and regulation for trusted,responsible and inclusive digital transformation. This encompasses a wide range of issues at the intersection of technology and society,including the responsible use of artificial intelligence; privacy and data protection; cybersecurity and critical infrastructure; skills and the future of work; and the digital transformation of industries like financial services.

    Before joining Microsoft, Marcus worked for the World Bank on digital economy and trade projects with governments, based in Singapore and Geneva.  He also co-led teams that produced World Bank flagship reports on the digital economy in Southeast Asia, and on global trade and poverty. Marcus began his career as an Australian diplomat, with assignments in Geneva at the World Trade Organization and United Nations, and in Bangkok working on regional economic cooperation programs.

Ben Koehl

Threat Intelligence Manager, MSTIC
  • Ben Koehl is Director of Threat Actor Pursuit with the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) overseeing a global team of analysts, reverse engineers, and developers tracking sophisticated threat actors. Prior to joining Microsoft, he supported the United States government in roles involving Incident Response, Digital Forensics, and countering nation state cyber actors.

邱銘彰 Jeremy Chiu

奧義智慧科技 創辦人
  • 奧義智慧科技共同創辦人,畢業於中央大學與大同資工所,同時也是台灣駭客協會的顧問,研究資安技術超過 15 年。邱銘彰是台灣資安界著名的創業家,2011 年時與吳明蔚 (Benson) 共同創立台灣第一家專門研發 APT 防禦產品的新創公司,在 2014 年受到美國 NASDAQ 的以色列資安公司青睞及併購;2017 年創辦奧義智慧科技,專注在人工智慧研究與資安科技的結合。他以開發自動化分析系統、駭客活動分析、惡意程式分析、機械學習演算法為主要研究範疇,曾登上多個國際知名的研討會舞台,如 Blackhat、DEFCON、SyScan、HITCON、FIRST、AVTokyo、HTICA 與 OWASP Asia 等,發表其專業的資安技術研究。

Jiankai Huang

Threat Intelligence Analyst, Insikt Group Recorded Future
  • Threat Intelligence Analyst with Insikt Group’s Advanced Cybercrime and Engagement (ACE) team, currently based in Singapore.
    Conducts research on ransomware groups, phishing methods, counterfeit products, dark web criminal activity, cryptocurrency crime and cyberthreats targeting various economic sectors.
    Proficient in English, Mandarin and Japanese

Takayuki Uchiyama

Product Security Center, Panasonic Holdings Corporation
  • Mr. Takayuki Uchiyama is a member of Panasonic PSIRT and is responsible for product security activities overseas at Panasonic. His main roles include, coordination of vulnerabilities, creating and conducting product security training for product developers and providing support to product development teams related to product security. Aside from his role at Panasonic, Takayuki has been a CVE Board Member since 2016. Prior to joining Panasonic, he worked at JPCERT/CC, where his main tasks involved the coordination of vulnerability reports with PSIRTs and taking part in various discussions related to the identification / analysis / coordination / disclosure of vulnerabilities.

李維斌 Wei-Bin Lee

  • 台灣人工智慧科技基金會董事長
  • 台北市政府資訊局局長
  • 富邦金控創新科技處處長
  • 台北富邦銀行數位長
  • 逢甲大學資訊工程學系教授
  • 網路安全、密碼學、數位浮水印、資訊安全管理
  • 當選2016資訊月傑出資訊人才獎
  • 當選2016 100 MVP經理人獎
  • 獲得2011「第三屆資安貢獻獎」

Jimmy Chang

Panasonic Cyber Security Laboratory, Panasonic Holdings Corporation
  • Jimmy is the Technical lead at Panasonic Cyber Security Lab. He was a software engineer and transitioned into cybersecurity due to his passion for cybersecurity. After joining Panasonic, he focused on threat hunting and penetration testing. Jimmy has a strong interest in the various attack techniques used in cybersecurity. He has obtained the OSCP certification and is constantly expanding his knowledge in the field. With his skills and expertise, Jimmy is dedicated to ensuring that Panasonic's products remain secure and protected from potential threats.

游政卿 Edward Yu

高科技資安聯盟 召集人暨合勤投控控股科技 資安長
  • 高科技資安聯盟 召集人
  • 合勤投控控股科技資安長
  • 黑貓資訊(合勤集團新創子公司)總經理
  • 高科技資安聯盟召集人
  • EC-Council C|CISO
  • 游政卿 (Edward Yu) 自詡為熱情的資安傳教士。
    目前擔任合勤投控資安長一職,負責制定資訊安全策略與方針、持續爭取管理階層的理解與支持、建立資訊安全管理制度與流程、持續監控資訊安全的有效性來確保資訊安全治理永續運作。 先前曾擔任合勤投控資訊長(CIO) 一職,在業界擁有豐富的資訊管理經驗,曾於旺宏電子、虹光精密、揚明光學以及工研院電通所等機構服務。

金慶柏 Robert Chin

Group Chief Information Security Officer, ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Group
Chairman of ASUSTeK Information Security Committee
Founder and Chairman of “Taiwan CISO Alliance”
Board Director of ASUStor Technology
Current NPO Roles:
  • 1.Chair Professor, Innovation and Design College, National Taiwan University
  • 2.Member, Ministry of Education's “Information Security Talent Development Project”
  • 3.Private-Sector Advisor of Smart Country, Executive Yuan

Previous Experience:
  • 1.Public Sector Service Executive, IBM Global Service, ASEAN and South Asia
  • 2.UMC CIO and Chairman of Information Security Committee
  • 3.SiS SVP of W/W Sales, Marketing and FAE
  • 4.Founder and Chairman of ASint
  • 5.Chairman and CEO of Clientron
  • 6.Chairman and CEO of Bcom
  • 7.Chairman of Information Committee of TSIA
  • 8.Board Director of R.O.C. CIO Association
  • 9.Founder and Chairman of Hi-tech Cybersecurity Alliance



TWCERT/CC是在民國87年9月成立於中山大學,於民國99年1月轉由台灣網路資訊中心 TWNIC接手維運,接著於103年8月起改由國家中山科學研究院承接,在108年1月起改由台灣網路資訊中心 TWNIC 負責維運服務。


Email : twcert(at)